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Чтобы скачать Sublime Text 3 откройте сайт sublimetext.com/3. Откроется страница — Download Sublime Text 3. Здесь вы можете выбрать необходимую версию под вашу операционную систему. Выбираю для windows Sublime Text 3 64 bit. Если у вас тоже windows 64 bit, можете выбрать соответствующий файл Sublime Text или его портативную версию. Скачайте загрузчик. После того как загрузчик будет скачан можно приступить к установке.
Рассмотрим как установить Sublime Text 3.
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Установленный Sublime Text вы можете найти через меню “Пуск” — “Все программы”.
Resetting Statistics
by wbond
at 9:30pm
on Wednesday, July 31st, 2013
Some users may have noticed a brief outage on the default channel server.
Just now I took the channel offline to corrent a long-running glitch in
package install statistics.
Due to a bug in the script that handled usage submissions from Package
Control, all operations including upgrades and removals were being counted
as installs. This manifested itself more severly for packages that have
had lots of versions. Each time a new version of the package was released
and users upgraded, installs and unique installs were incorrectly being
From early in the project I decided to maintain a full history of every
usage submission in case information needed to be reconstructed. The brief
outage that users experienced was a full wipe of all install statistics
and a regeneration of them from the master usage table. Over 35 million
submissions were processed and tallied up into new, much more accurate
The unfortunately downside of this is that many package developers will see
a dip in their install numbers. With the upcoming release of Package
Control 2.0 and the new website, the source code for recording and
displaying all of this information will be open source. Hopefully this will
present the opportunity for other developers to both help improve, but also
review the codebase to help catch such mistakes sooner.
Terminus Build System
It is possible to use as a build system. The target is a drop in replacement of the default target . It takes exact same arguments as except that their default values are set differently.
is used to cancel the build when user runs triggered by ctrl+c (macOS) or ctrl+break (Windows / Linux).
The following is an example of build system define in project settings that run a python script
{ "build_systems" { "name" "Hello World", "target" "terminus_exec", "cancel" "terminus_cancel_build", "cmd" "python", "helloworld.py" ], "working_dir" "$folder" } }
The same Hello World example could be specified via a file.
{ "target" "terminus_exec", "cancel" "terminus_cancel_build", "cmd" "python", "helloworld.py" ], "working_dir" "$folder" }
Instead of , user could also specify . In macOS and linux, a bash shell will be invoked; and in Windows, cmd.exe will be invoked.
{ "target" "terminus_exec", "cancel" "terminus_cancel_build", "shell_cmd" "python helloworld.py", // to directly invoke bash command // "shell_cmd" "echo helloworld", "working_dir" "$folder" }
A list of regular expressions patterns to ignore. Note that these regular expressions are compared against the file or directory name.
Boolean to keep selection panel open after selecting a resource to open.
Boolean setting specifying if a single command should be listed in the command palette for viewing and editing files or if multiple commands should be used.
True if, when moving up a directory, you would like the previous selection to be automatically chosen. False otherwise.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright 2013 Scott Kuroda
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
Download or clone the contents of this repository to a folder named exactly as the package name into the Packages/ folder of ST.
Troubleshooting Installation:
- First please note this package only adds a context menu to the “Folders” section and not to the “Open Files” section.
- Open the package folder. Main menu -> Preferences -> Browse Packages.
- Close Sublime Text.
- Remove the folder “Packages/SideBarEnhancements”
- Remove the folder “User/SideBarEnhancements”
- Navigate one folder up, to “Installed Packages/”, check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
- Open ST, with Package Control go to : Remove Package, check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
- Restart ST
- Open ST, check if there is any entry about SideBarEnhancements in Package Control(in sections: “Remove Package” and just in case in “Enable Package”)
- Repeat until you find there no entry about SideBarEnhancements
- Restart ST
- Install it.
- It works
PackageSync provides the following user configurable settings:
Decides if the user is asked for providing location to back up to or restore from.
If set as true, user is prompted every time for a path upon back up or restore operation.
If set as false, the location specified in settings is used. If no location has been specified in settings, by default user’s desktop is used for backup. -
The zip file path to use for backing up or restoring package list & user settings. -
The folder path to use for backing up or restoring package list & user settings. -
The file path to use for backing up or restoring only the package list. -
The list of files to ignore when backing up.
It supports wildcarded file names as well. Supported wildcard entries are ‘*’, ‘?’, » & ». For further details, please see the fnmatch documentation. -
Toggle to determine whether to synchronize user setting for this package (). -
The list of files to include when backing up.
Note: ignore_files holds higher priority as compared to include_files. So a file matching both the settings would essentially be ignored, as governed by ignore_files.
It supports wildcarded file names as well. Supported wildcard entries are ‘*’, ‘?’, » & ». For further details, please see the fnmatch documentation. -
Directories to ignore when backing up.
By default, all directories created by other packages are included. Only the directories specified in this list are ignored while syncing. -
Decides if the existing packages are to be preserved while restoring from a backup.
If set as false, existing packages & their settings are removed during restore operation. Only the packages included in the backup are restored.
If set as true, PackageSync keeps the existing packages intact. Packages not included in the backup therefore remain unharmed even after restore operation. However, user-settings are overwritten if the backup contains user-settings for the same package. -
Toggle to determine if online syncing is enabled or not.
Turning this toggle ON/OFF requires Online Sync Folder to be setup first. -
Folder to use for syncing the backup with online syncing services.
This should be the path to a folder inside the Google Drive, Dropbox or SkyDrive sync folder. Any other online syncing application can be used as well. -
The frequency (in seconds) at which PackageSync should poll to see if there are any changes in the local folder or in the online sync folder.
PackageSync will keep your settings up to date across machines by checking regularly at this interval. If you face any performance issues you can increase this time via the settings and a restart of Sublime Text. -
Whether or not PackageSync should log to the console. Enable this if you’re having issues and want to see PackageSync’s activity.
Активация Sublime Text 3
Чтобы активировать Сублайн текст 3 откройте текстовый документ License Key, скопируйте из него один из ключей, далее запустите Сублайн и перейдите во вкладку «Справка» («Help«) — «Ввести лицензию» («Enter license«) вставляем ключ и жмем «Use License»
Установка Emmet на sublime text 3 и добавление в него Package Control.
Запускаем редактор и нажимаем Ctrl+ или «Вид» — «Показать/скрыть консоль» («View» — «Show console«), после чего снизу откроется панелька для ввода, вставьте в нее нижеприведенный код, нажмите «Enter«, немного подождите и перезапустите редактор.
import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = 'df21e130d211cfc94d9b0905775a7c0f' + '1e3d39e33b79698005270310898eea76'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://packagecontrol.io/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
Теперь заходим во вкладку «Опции» — «Package Control» или нажимаем сочетание клавиш «Ctrl» + «Shift» + «P«, после чего всплывет окошко в котором выбираем «Install Package» (если не ошибаюсь 6 строка).
После чего всплывет еще окошко, в котором необходимо ввести «Emmet«, появится масса предложений, нажимаем на первое (где просто Emmet).
Ждем немного, пока не откроется вкладка с содержимым, что Эммет успешно установлен, закрываем все вкладки и перезапускаем редактор. Все можно пользоваться!
В трех словах, о том, как работает Эммет
Приведу несколько примеров для Emmet. Допустим нам нужно базовый каркас веб-страницы на html5, для этого достаточно ввести «!» и нажать «Tab».
Чтобы быстро построить к примеру блок с классом col-sm-6, необходимо ввести «.col-sm-6» и нажать «Tab», получим «<div class=»col-sm-6″></div>»
Для того чтобы построить вот такую конструкцию:
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nesciunt natus quidem qui, obcaecati dolorem optio nulla voluptates suscipit eligendi laboriosam quisquam odio provident facilis laudantium. Non, tempora mollitia consequuntur laborum!</div> <div class="col-md-3">Incidunt fugiat beatae non voluptatum at iste inventore obcaecati rem tenetur officiis reprehenderit soluta, magnam est consequatur accusantium, fuga aperiam nesciunt exercitationem dignissimos aut, ut. Voluptatibus id explicabo, suscipit porro.</div> <div class="col-md-3">Iste magni, nam id a, maxime incidunt aperiam hic, aliquid suscipit aspernatur maiores quaerat sequi asperiores perferendis eum delectus consectetur sint excepturi laboriosam, error. Ratione voluptatum similique sunt sequi maiores!</div> <div class="col-md-3">Officiis doloremque cumque ab quae similique totam voluptates? Molestias rerum eos dolor nulla quidem nam pariatur, quisquam reiciendis tenetur. Dolorum, at, illum! Corporis, itaque, impedit repellendus natus accusantium sit sunt.</div> </div>
достаточно ввести вот такую небольшую строчку «.row>.col-md-3*4>lorem» и нажать «Tab«.
Как вы видите Emmet очень крутое дополнение, которое очень ускоряет процесс верстки, главное уметь правильно им пользоваться) Советую почитать документацию.
На сегодня все!
Что такое копирайтинг?
Сборка на основе Bootstrap 3 >
Formatter-specific notes
Following are notes specific to individual formatters that you should be aware of:
PHP — Used phpF by @subins2000
Getting and installing PHP — http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.general.php
You must install 5.6 or above ()
On Linux/OSx after installation of package, you must set chmod +x to file fmt.phar in folder %PACKAGESDIR%/CodeFormatter/codeformatter/lib/phpbeautifier
You can list all available transformations from Command Palette: CodeFormatter: Show PHP Transformations
Examples of many transformations can be found here: PHP Transformation Examples
Language specific options:
“syntaxes”: “php”, // Syntax names which must process PHP formatter
“php_path”: “”, // Path for PHP executable, e.g. “/usr/lib/php” or “C:/Program Files/PHP/php.exe”. If empty, uses command “php” from system environments
“format_on_save”: false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : “(?!.min.|vendor.)*$”
“psr1”: false, // Activate PSR1 style
“psr1_naming”: false, // Activate PSR1 style — Section 3 and 4.3 — Class and method names case
“psr2”: true, // Activate PSR2 style
“indent_with_space”: 4, // Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
“enable_auto_align”: true, // Enable auto align of = and =>
“visibility_order”: true, // Fixes visibility order for method in classes — PSR-2 4.2
“smart_linebreak_after_curly”: true, // Convert multistatement blocks into multiline blocks
// Enable specific transformations. Example: // You can list all available transformations from command palette: CodeFormatter: Show PHP Transformations // You can also see examples of many transformations at https://github.com/akalongman/sublimetext-codeformatter/blob/master/PHP-Transformations.md "passes": [], // Disable specific transformations "excludes": [] }
### Javascript/JSON Javascript/JSON - used (http://jsbeautifier.org/) by Einar Lielmanis Language specific options: ```js "codeformatter_js_options": { "syntaxes": "javascript,json", // Syntax names which must process JS formatter "format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$" "indent_size": 4, // indentation size "indent_char": " ", // Indent character "indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options) "eol": "\n", // EOL symbol "preserve_newlines": false, // whether existing line breaks should be preserved, "max_preserve_newlines": 10, // maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk "space_in_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) "space_in_empty_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within paren if parent empty, ie. f( ) "e4x": false, // Pass E4X xml literals through untouched "jslint_happy": false, // if true, then jslint-stricter mode is enforced. Example function () vs function() "brace_style": "collapse", // "collapse" | "expand" | "end-expand". put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line. "keep_array_indentation": false, // keep array indentation. "keep_function_indentation": false, // keep function indentation. "eval_code": false, // eval code "unescape_strings": false, // Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation "wrap_line_length": 0, // Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters "break_chained_methods": false, // Break chained method calls across subsequent lines "end_with_newline": false, // Add new line at end of file "comma_first": false // Add comma first }
HTML — used custom python port, please use it with caution, feature in early beta
Language specific options:
“syntaxes”: “html,asp,xml”, // Syntax names which must process HTML formatter
“format_on_save”: false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : “(?!.min.|vendor.)*$”
“indent_size”: 4, // indentation size
“indent_char”: “ ”, // Indentation character
“indent_with_tabs”: false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
“exception_on_tag_mismatch”: false, // If the last closing tag is not at the same indentation level as the first opening tag, there’s probably a tag mismatch in the file
“expand_javascript”: false, // Expand JavaScript inside of
Inspiring Generosity, Gittip Style
by wbond
at 3:00pm
on Friday, August 9th, 2013
As part of the new site launch and the expanded package detail pages, I
wanted to start an experiment with making supporting package developers
even easier. Now granted, the part I’m playing in the process is rather
small since I am just providing links for each author. The real work that
makes this possible is Gittip, founded
by Chad Whitacre.
I was excited a few weeks ago to see the attention Gittip received when
John Resig announced the Khan Academy has started giving their developers
$5 a week to say thank you to the open source developers who make their
work possible.
My hope is that through exposing the work of the over 1,000 developers
who maintain various packages for Sublime Text, we can encourage each other
to say “thank you!”
In case you’ve never checked it out, Gittip offers weekly donation amounts
as small as $0.25. This may seen inconsequential, however if only 100 users
tip $0.25 a week, the developer can recieve $25. Considering there are
tens of thousands of users of some of the more popular packages, it should
be possible for these small donations to make a big impact and encourage
future open source work.
In closing I wanted to highlight some of the work a few contributors to
Package Control have been doing over the past months. These developers have
spent their time reviewing and giving feedback to fellow package developers
as they merge pull requests into the default channel:
3.0 Beta
by wbond
at 5:00pm
on Thursday, December 11th, 2014
After a couple of months of bug fixes and feature development, I‘m excited
to announce the first Package Control 3.0 beta! Over the next few days
I would like to get it in the hands of a bunch of users to work out any
final kinks. Hopefully 3.0 will be a little less eventful than the 2.0
A set of full release notes will be displayed via Package Control messages,
however here are some highlights:
- depedency support
- an SSL module for Linux
- error-free theme, color scheme and syntax upgrades
- improved HTTP support on Windows
- functionality to sync package removals via the User/ folder
If you are willing to help, perform the following instructions to
upgrade to version 3.0.0-beta. Once upgraded, keep an eye
on the Sublime Text console for Python exceptions. If you experience any
issues, please
open an issue.
Open Preferences> Package Settings
> Package Control > Settings – User
and set the install_prereleases setting to true -
Run the Add Repository command and enter
https://sublime.wbond.net/prerelease/packages.json. -
Run the Upgrade Package command and choose
Package Control
What is improved?
Most of C Improved features tend to facilitate everyday C development experience. This varies from enabling highlighting of operators to more complex enhancements listed below.
Preprocessor issues
C preprocessor directives are relatively simple to parse (even with regular expressions, to some extent). And so related issues were addressed first of all.
Macro highlighting and error handling
Macro parameters (including variadic arguments) and argument stringification now have proper highlighting with handling of some common syntax errors.
Here is an example of two more or less complex multi-line macros.
Standard C | C Improved |
![]() |
![]() |
And below is a result of commenting out a vararg (but missing a preceding comma outside the comment) and accidentally putting tabs after some line continuation backslashes.
Standard C | C Improved |
![]() |
![]() |
Both errors are ignored by the standard package, while C Improved highlights a premature closing paren in the first case as an error, and warns about trailing whitespaces after the backslashes (the second one is immediately followed by an error complaining about an unexpected EOL within macro parameters). See an issue about highlighting.
Macro innards
A macro body (with proper line continuations, if needed) is not able to contribute to the symbol index anymore, nor it can interfere with a code surrounding the macro, or anyhow break syntax highlighting.
Standard C | C Improved |
![]() |
![]() |
In this example the standard C package recognizes inside a macro as a function definition though it is actually a function call.
This leads to incorrect highlighting and also adds a bogus symbol into the symbol list.
Moreover, a function declaration which follows the macro () is not recognized at all.
Scopes for preprocessor directives
All preprocessor directives provide a proper scope now (), which means that you can select a whole macro with ctrl+shift+space or ⌘+⇧+space. It also allows, for instance, the whole macro body to be styled differently (this is up to a color scheme though).
Support for significant projects
The standard C package provides a special support for functions from C standard library and POSIX. For example, a function is highlighted differently.
However, most of major software projects implemented in C have their own internal libraries/frameworks and use some established patterns and idioms all across their sources. This includes not only a set of commonly used functions and types; there could be a handful macro for defining some object, a special kind of function attribute/annotation, etc.
If you use Sublime Text for developing some of the following projects, you should find these improvements rather useful.
Linux kernel source
This adds a special handling of some common macros widely used across the kernel source code, like , or ,
which would otherwise be recognized as functions thus polluting a symbol index and an outline.
Standard C | C Improved |
![]() |
![]() |
CPython interpreter source
This includes:
- Highlighing of Python-related constants (like or ) and main data structures (, , , etc.)
- Widely used , and function annotation. This sanitizes higlighting of annotated functions and the symbol index
- Special highlighting of interned static string literals defined with macro
- Well-marked highlighting of macros involving transfer of control (like ).
Standard C | C Improved |
![]() |
![]() |
Customizable indexing of types/functions/macros
You can adjust which symbols are available for navigation and visible in a symbol index or in an outline.
The following scopes and default preferences are provided:
Scope name | Description | Outlinectrl+R | Index (ST3) F12ctrl+shift+R |
compound type | visible | visible | |
forward declaration of a type | visible | hidden | |
type alias () | visible | visible | |
function definition | visible | visible | |
function declaration | visible | hidden | |
function-like macro | visible | visible | |
object-like macro | visible | visible |
These settings can be changed through files, see .